Tuesday, March 20, 2012

John Carter to Lose $200 Million

John Carter, seen here being chased by an investor and a studio executive
After two weeks of disappointing performance at the box office, John Carter is projected to cost Disney around $200 million, the largest movie loss of all time. Estimations of the cost to make and market the movie hover between $350 and $400 million and so far the movie has only earned $180 million. Many people expected John Carter, an adaptation of a series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, to not make much money. It was a work that few people were familiar with, and many people saw it as a cheaper version of Avatar. However, I don't think anyone expect John Carter to be the biggest box office bust of all time. The previous record holder was the Geena Davis vehicle Cutthroat Island which lost (an inflation adjusted) $147 million, and caused the production company Carolco Pictures to go out of business. This lost won't put Disney out of buisness, not by a long shot, and they expect to recoup their losses with the upcoming cash cows The Avengers and Pixar's Brave later this year.

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