Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Review: The Raid: Redemption

       Holy balls. That's all I had to say after watching this movie. It's literally wall-to-wall violence. Each scene stepping it up from the last. This film is being heralded as a revolution in action movies. It currently holds a rating of 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. While there is little to no character development, and maybe only 10 minutes of dialogue over it's 100 minute runtime, it is a great action movie. Hollywood has already started pre-production on an American remake. The director/writer/fight choreographer Gareth Evans was offered to direct the American version, but he turned it down in favor of making the sequel to the Indonesian original. If the sequel can top this, I will be impressed, and I can  only hope the American version doesn't mess anything up.

       This Indonesian film appears to be set in Jakarta, but could be in any major Indonesian city, we're never given any real reference. Our main character is Rama, a rookie SWAT Team member with a pregnant wife at home. His squad's assignment for the day is to take down Tama, a ruthless gang leader who over the years has established a “no go zone” for police. Tama rules from the top floor of a 15 story tenement building where he lets his gang members and junkies addicted to the drugs provided by the gang to live rent free, thus creating a devoted army willing to defend the building at any cost. The remainder of the movie is spent as Rama and his team move from one floor to the next fighting gang members with guns, knives, clubs, hands, and feet as well as a few other improvised weapons. Most of the SWAT team is killed very quickly leaving just a small handful to finish the job. It's very intense and will leave you on the edge of your seat. The “Redemption” in the title refers to Rama's brother who works for Tama as one of his top guards. Rama encounters him and they eventually team up to take down Tama.

       The fight scenes in this movie are truly epic and imaginative. Rama takes down one gang member after the other in new and creative ways. One of the final fight scenes is so long that the director cuts away from it to show an entire other scene before returning to the fight to show the finish. Not that these long fights become tedious. They remain very entertaining. In terms of acting, it was somewhat difficult to determine whether or not the actors were any good, not only because there is so little dialogue, but what dialogue there is is in Indonesian. My only complaint, besides the lack of character development (which I'm willing to overlook in this case), is the set design. The sets where the fight scenes took place in look so cheaply made that it is honestly distracting. There were several occasions where instead of looking like they were fighting in a rundown apartment, it looked like they were fighting on stage at a high school production of a run down apartment based musical. However, if you're looking for a top notch action movie that isn't full of over the top explosions of bloated, leathery actors, I highly recommend checking out The Raid: Redemption.

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