Monday, March 12, 2012

The Lorax Continues to Dominate

Sorry for missing a few days of movie news. I was visiting my parents this weekend, and when I got back my computer was acting weird. Anyway, we've no entered week 2 of The Lorax being the number one movie at the box office. When will this long national nightmare end? Probably next week when 21 Jump Street comes out. Probably. Also released this weekend was John Carter, which despite a lot of bad press managed to come in second place this weekend with $30 million. Although this is ultimately a disappointment as the studio expected a lot more from it, including the number one spot in the box office numbers. The horror movie Silent House and the horrible movie A Thousand Words also were released this weekend, but made no major splashes, losing out to movies like Act of Valor that have been in theaters for several weeks now. 

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