Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Saddest News You'll Hear Today

Assuming, of course, you don't hear any real news today. Have you heard what's going on in (insert impoverished third world country here)?

It looks like Bill Murray will not be in Ghostbusters 3, which has been talked about by Dan Aykroyd and company for a few years now. Aykroyd himself admits that he is not all that enthused about continuing his film career, but isn't beyond taking it off the table. With Murray out, the film will likely not happen, but the studio is still interested in making the sequel perhaps by replacing Murray with another actor (which worked SO well in Blues Brothers 2000). If Bill Murray isn't going to be in this movie, it shouldn't happen. However, if they decide to continue without him, they would be better off writing Dr. Peter Venkman out the film rather than replacing him with someone who is not Bill Murray. No one can replace Bill Murray.
Full story here

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